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absolute pitch 1.絕對音高,標準音高;絕對音調。2.音高辨音力。

absolute temperature

But one day , she bumps into a strange boy , gyung - min , and realizes that he ' s a musical genius with an absolute pitch 有一天,她在無意中發現了孤兒慶民的鋼琴天分,并決心撫養并培養他成為她夢想中的鋼琴家。

Absolute pitch or refers to the ability some have to identify pitches by hearing alone 絕對音高是指一些人所具備的單憑聽覺即可辨認音高的能力。

He can identify any note he hears , and that is called absolute pitch (他可以辨是出任何聽到的音符,這種能力稱為絕對音感。 )

She has perfect / absolute pitch 她有完全音高感